Abstracts could be submitted until 12 January 2025.
On 12 March 2025, the abstract authors were informed about the lecture times of the accepted abstracts. If you have not received a notification, please contact the project team using the contact form.
The presenting author is obliged to register independently via the congress homepage upon acceptance of the abstract. There is no automatic conference registration by registration in the abstract system or by the conference organisation.
Accepted abstracts should always be presented by the author(s) named upon submission and registered for congress participation. A substitute presentation by a co-author, e.g. in case of illness, is possible if the aforementioned requirements are met. The scientific committee reserves the right to remove non-presented papers from the programme and not to publish them in the abstract book.
The accepted abstracts will be published in a citable form at the German National Library.
Abstracts will be published in the form in which they are submitted. There will be no error correction or revision by the programme committee or Conventus.