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Welcome note

Portrait Professor Rohde

Dear colleagues,

The first official meeting of German neurosurgeons after the Second World War took place in Goettingen in 1949. It was here that the founding of the German Society for Neurosurgery (DGNC) was decided. After 75 years, the Annual Meeting is thus returning to the place that could be described as the cradle of our society.

The motto of this anniversary event is “Excellence and Evidence”. Outstanding individual expertise, methodologically sound studies, but also technology transfers and the scientific input of adjacent disciplines contribute to the progress of neurosurgery. Without forgetting the historical reference, the programme reveals this reference to the future in the motto.

While a small lecture hall was still sufficient in 1949, 75 years later we will be meeting in the LOKHALLE, a former repair workshop for locomotives, now a modern multifunctional hall with the special flair of an industrial monument. Plenary sessions with several hundred listeners, parallel sessions and the industrial exhibition make this necessary. This also documents the success story of our society. It is only a few hundred metres from the LOKHALLE to the city centre with its old half-timbered houses, many restaurants and pubs. Despite a tightly scheduled programme, this proximity offers you the chance to explore the “city that creates knowledge” and makes “socialising”, which is an equally important part of our annual conferences, almost unavoidable.

In addition to the exchange on scientific and professional policy topics, personal encounters with friends have long been the driving force behind the meetings with partner societies during the Annual Meeting. In keeping with this tradition, we welcome the Czech and Croatian Neurosurgical Societies to Goettingen.

A lot of work goes into organising a congress of this size. I would therefore like to take this opportunity to thank the congress organisation Conventus. Industry partners are indispensable for a successful congress. I would also like to thank the participating companies in advance for their support.
I look forward to welcoming you to the 75th Annual Meeting of the DGNC in Goettingen from 9 to 12 June 2024. I wish you interesting presentations, new insights, but also interesting encounters and a few free minutes to explore Goettingen.

Prof. Dr. med. Veit Rohde
Conference President of DGNC 2024 and President of the DGNC