Dear students and future colleagues,
At the last DGNC annual meeting in Göttingen, we experienced a successful, interactive and very informative student event together with the local students for the first time. The next generation of neurosurgeons is very important to us. For this reason, the Neurosurgical Academy (NCA) has decided to permanently incorporate a student event into the DGNC Annual Meeting: NextGen Day. From this year 2025, this is planned annually on the 1st day of the congress parallel to the Educational Day. In order to enable interested students to arrive and depart on the same day, the event is planned from 10–15:00 with frontal lectures and practical workshops. The NCA as the primary organizer represented by Dr. med. Sami Ridwan and the local students of the respective annual conference will jointly design the program, in Hannover 2025 with Mr. Marcel Oelerich and fellow students.
The program planning is already well advanced and will be communicated to you shortly. You can look forward to exciting career-relevant lectures and hands-on neurosurgery.
We look forward to your numerous participation.
Your NCA
Dr. med. Sami Ridwan
Marcel Oelerich