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Instructions Upload ePoster

Posters may only be submitted in electronic form (ePoster). All ePosters can be viewed on site at the ePoster stations.


Technical requirements & notes

The choice of software for creating your ePoster is basically up to you. Please note the following technical requirements:

  • File type: PDF
  • Format: portrait format 9:16
  • Resolution: min. 2160x3840
  • Single-page document (1 slide)
  • The continuous text should not be smaller than font size 30
  • Please note the poster ID clearly legible in red in the top right corner of the ePoster

Animations, videos, sound and links cannot be played on the ePoster terminals. If you do use animations, they will be removed automatically, as only the "final state" of each slide is displayed on the terminals.

The preferred language of the ePoster presentation is German. The ePoster should be created in English.

You are welcome to use this template: to the template

The upload of ePosters will be possible from April 2025.

As the posters will be technically checked again before the congress and adjustments may be necessary, it is important to submit them in good time.